Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Failed Before The Ink Was Dry

I've heard a lot about the issue of repossession, but that's not what lead to the death of the one person who meant the most to me.
Lynn was my heart and soul, my everything. When she was caught in a robbery and took a bullet to her lung, it didn't take a second thought to agree to whatever GeneCo offered to save her. She wasn't home from the hospital a week when her health began to fail - Lynn was constantly coughing up blood and pus. We went back, were told that she was the fifth person to get these lungs. She died the next day, unable to breath on lungs that should have been destroyed after the first or second transplant. No need for a night surgeon when you can kill people by giving them worn-out organs, right?

Mandy, 20, LA

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